Knows It All

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Its getting hot in here..

Or warm anyway, as our friends and family have warmed up our home. Last weekend, we hosted our first official gathering at our tiny house. Fifty attendees in that little abode was quite the feat.

First, Brother in Law, who had recieved fabulous news that he has passed the bar on Friday, was a little bit resistant to the idea of having "his" room included at the party. He actually wanted to know why he couldn't just keep the door closed. Other than the fact that he is a twenty-six year old grown man living with us, enjoying the fruits of a cleaning service, i just did not see why he could not manage to clear out his garbage, put away his laundry, and make the bed. He begrudgingy complied. After the guests cleared and he, a bit intoxicated, departed for what must have been a booty-call, I layed on MY bed that is located in that room, with my clean bedding and just thought about what my future guest room will be like. Look, I love the man.. but he is a man, and MAN, I think it's time to leave the nest. He's not a bad roommate. I should just stop on this issue right now...i think his residency status will change by the end of summer. I think my new hobby of sunbathing topless in my backyard may be the final straw.

Speaking of things to creep out my BIL. THis party was not one in which we expected any gifts whatsoever! We did however recieve about 15 bottles of wine, 4 bottles of tequila, some shot glasses, a pinata, a huge sweetbread, a candle, and a bunch of feminine hygiene products. Yes, I recieved multiple boxes of douche, feminine wipes, FDS spray, and a spatula and a plunger. Explanation escapes me, other than to say, Indians have a different sense of humor. And I am no different. Or maybe it was a long overdue intervention. Anyway, I'm so fresh and so clean these days. I think I'm shiny.

For the party, we hired some people El G knows to prepare carne asada. It was awesome. I think I need a cook on staff! My father in law made some amazing guacamole and it was a hit. I ordered some cookies that look like houses with my house number on them, and that was as Martha as I could bear. I also made a batch of sangria, only to be out-shown by miss Tiffani, who showed up with some sangria of her own that was so good. she cheated and used champagne. I threw her out. People stayed for the De La Hoya fight and it was a good time. my mom was there, El G's fam was up from Nogales. And so many friends and even my funky neighbor. Babies were even in the mix... i really had a good time. I love that I ended the night in the old school way with me and LaidBack going to bed!

although some of my most importants were unable to be there, i have been feeling so lucky and blessed since it was a chance to have so many people we love in the house. Cant wait for the next reason to have some more events! i may need mom to come back and work her a lot more. Poor thing was in town for a few days before the party and she had to do so much! Moms rule. especially mine. Even if she talks about me as a baby a little more than I'd hope for.

I love that people say we look alike or that I am like her. If I am anything like my sweet and precious little mom, then that cant' be bad. Someome said I will age well with genes like hers and thats so nice! She is one pretty girl. And that EL G aint bad either.
Im having trouble loading pics on to blogger these days, or I'd put one of them up here. very cute!


  • At 11:55 AM, Blogger McRebeck said…

    Your mom is the cutest sweetest thing ever.

    Hope all is well with the house and life in general. I am in and out of PHX so often but never long enough to get together. Hoping to touch base soon though!


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