Knows It All

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I'd like to make the world a burrito....and keep it company

Many of days have ended with me dreaming of my own business. After a long hard day at some job, whether it be public service or marketing, I have thought that I would be one happy girl, if only I had my own business.

I dream not of corporate life-style. Or employees, management or power. I dream of autonomy, freedom, and making my own rules. Thus, I have always wanted a burrito stand.

They say, "do what you love and love what you do". Well, I love burritos. I do. I have been loving them since I can remember. And who doesn't? I'm not much of a sandwich girl, but a burrito is such a simple and pleasing staple. I mean, put in what you need... meat or not, beans or not, rice or not, veggies or not. Wrap it up, and there you go!

In Portland, I am jealous of that Shelley, with her "Honkin Huge Burritos". What a life she must lead. Go set up burrito stand, in the fresh air, making people happy all day with burritos. Chatting with people who want a little conversation with their lunch. And when she doesn't feel like it, she doesn't have to.

I mean, how hard can it be? Total of ...what, 15 ingredients? All very easy to get and maintain. If I had focused on this life mission back in the day, Chipotle could have been mine!!!

I could have Indian versions, made with Frybread... but that's a helluva lot more work. But well worth it, enit?

A life with so little demands. Just hungry people wanting quality burros. No victims, no employees whining, no bosses yapping, no stress. Maybe not a lot of money. All I need is a primo location, a nice sign, and a name. I could be portable. I could be free. In any climate I want. Blazing inferno to the rainy Northwest. From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream Waters. I could change the world with a smile and a burrito.

Or, I could just go back and fight the fight, against employees, bosses, victims, Defense attorneys, cops, court staff, judges, and CPS workers. In the 115 degree deadly heat. For no love. For mediocre pay. For nightmares. and for constipation caused by anxiety.


  • At 7:13 AM, Blogger LSL said…

    OMG, I love Shelley's Honkin Huge Burritos!! Lunch in Pioneer Square with a burrito? Nothing beats that!

  • At 8:53 AM, Blogger May1983 said…

    you are too cute! Atty-to Burrito girl. Loves it! I want to be the flower cart girl on the corner of Pioneer Square by Starbux. She is a cool chick and she always has on funky hip gear: cowboy boots and fun jewelry and she gets to arrange flowers all day! Talk about a happy job. And ur clientele is husbands surprising their wives, bdays, anniversaries. That's my dream job... maybe I will interview her and ask how she does it...

  • At 4:54 PM, Blogger ShooShoo said…

    Boy do I relate of dreaming of a lifestyle which is the opposite of the corporate, "American Dream". To me, those who are most truly successful are those who manage to spend their days making a living at doing what they love. I hope you go for it! And I hope I do, too. ;)

  • At 9:47 PM, Blogger Mahd said…

    What are we but collections of dreams and desires? At some point, you will say "Why not? Life is too short, and happiness is far more important than the temporary luxuries that a steady income provides."

    This is why I want to be a pirate.

  • At 12:29 PM, Blogger Rocky said…

    D has talked to so many of those coffee/burrito/taco/bento cart owners and you would be surprised the kind of cheese they make. Most are in the 6 figures--easy. For a while he was trying to convince my mom and I to start something up. I have confidence that if you put your mind to it, you could throw caution to the wind and do it, too!

  • At 12:58 PM, Blogger May1983 said…

    Happy Birthday Muchacha!!

  • At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So, what is stopping you?
    Do it, try it, if aint what you think it is - do something else later on.


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