Knows It All

Friday, July 08, 2005

Deja Vu.... boring.

Maybe it’s because I have one of those dads that will tell you the same story a million times. Or I may have some weird form of ADD. It could be all those years stuck memorizing rules and exceptions in law school. Whatever the reason, I have noticed that I do not have the patience for most things repeated. Been there, done that. Seen it. Ate there. Read it. I just am not interested in doing it again. Even if I loved it.

Some people watch the same movies over and over again. I completely don’t understand it, (except for Groundhog’s Day, which I think was designed to be watched over and over). I admit to watching comedies, since sometimes I notice new subtleties, and that’s “new” so it’s okay. But watching Titanic again? Guess what? The ship sinks. Or Silence of the Lambs. Jodie Foster catches him. Everytime you watch it, she catches him. You get the point. I swear it’s so annoying to hear the same old tired movie quotes. I wish it was against the law for anyone to ever say “Show me the money”.

It’s the same thing with books. Unless you are reading a “Choose Your Own Adventure” it’s going to end the same way it did the first time. Duh.

I asked weirdo newbie today why he has seen Star Wars more times than he could count. His canned answer was something about amazing special effects then, but now it’s nostalgia. I just get bored when I re-watch stuff. Unless it’s so complex that you can see new things each time. Like Dumb and Dumber!

Nostalgia though? Ick. Talking about old times is okay once in while. But it makes me feel like the best is over. Whereas, I am more interested in what’s next? I love dreaming about all the cool stuff I want to do. I research travel plans and all kinds of stuff I want to be in my future. I do not look at old vacation photos for fun.

I wonder if this is why I can’t get into church. Blah Blah Blah. Same old stories. No offense to all of you who get guidance and inspiration by creatively applying the good book to your life. I’m just not really that abstract. To me, it’s a bunch of good stories, and a list of ways to be good, and ways to be bad. Ok, sum it up for me on some index cards, and I’ll get it. Done.

In some ways I guess I am a binger/purger. I wear the crap out of clothes I love, then pitch em. It makes me feel sick to wear things too many seasons. Poo-Poo. I play a song or CD over and over, and then ignore it. No looking back. Even to Madonna. I hardly ever listen to her! I surprise myself with that.

I get bored with the same workout. The same conversations. (wedding plans are fine. New job is fine… yada yada). I try to always get a new shade of nail polish. I try to not repeat. The one exception to this weird rule, is “Hyper” lipstick from MAC which I wore for like 8 years before it retired. And a certain Victoria’s Secret bra. But I can’t think of anything else.

The weirdest thing is my aversion to leftovers. Won’t eat ‘em. Not that I don't eat enough the first time around.

I guess, I am just a person who tries to not look back. Once the thing is over, it’s over. Fat Lady Declares! But I prefer newness. Some people like consistency and familiarity and fear change. Me, I’m scared that I literally be “bored” to death. Could be some twisted American trait. Or I am just snobby and pretentious.

For the record, people who are into favorites and nostalgia are fine, just not the werido slo-mo judo temp of mine.


  • At 8:59 AM, Blogger Little Star said…

    LOL, This post is sooo you! Strongly declaring your opinions and views... I love it... Not enough people dare to share like that. I don't always agree with you, but I love that you're that way.

    I have such a bad memory, I can re-read a book and not remember how it ends, I re-rent the same movies all the time, because i forgot I have already seen them, I just don't remember things that well... I thing it's the caffine, they say it effects memory.
    Nastalgia, I agree can turn into a pathetic need to hold on to the past, but it doesn't have to go to that extream, it also inspires me to keep making new memories, and experiences... I love to laugh at the past! But I do love to live for the future...

    Keep on doing what you're doing...

  • At 9:39 PM, Blogger Rocky said…

    I think that I fall in between you and Lu here. I don't do leftovers that well. I don't like to wear the same stuff over and over (which is why I find it difficult to spend a lot of $$ on trendy stuff). I cannot say I have ever read any book more than once, I feel like it is a waste of my time. I don't scrapbook and don't collect memorabilia.

    However, I have been with the same guy FOREVER. I don't move around a lot and have little desire, too. And I have a small list of movies that I do enjoy watching over and over again.

  • At 12:10 AM, Blogger ShooShoo said…

    I'm pretty much the opposite of you when it comes to this subject; very nostalgic. I'm even a person who retells the same story more than once (actually this is due to the fact that I tend to forget who I told what), and tend to watch favorite movies repeatedly... A lot of times I will keep bringing new people back to re-see a movie with... This way I can sort of re-live the original viewing vicariously through whoever is watching for the first time. :) I saw Titanic 10x throughout the year it was in the theater (I know, can you say "obsessive"??!)! Re-read books, tend to order the same stuff in restaraunts... I guess it's partly I'm a creature of habit, and partly that I need to take more risks instead of just sticking to what I already know I like. ;) To me, this post shows that you're a very adventurous spirit, who's not only unafraid to take risks, but embraces them! :)

  • At 11:06 AM, Blogger Knows It All said…

    Groundhog Day rules. I love it. That polks song that they sing cracks me up everytime.

    Sherri, I hear you on the habit thing. Funny that you saw Titanic so many times. A lot of people did, and I respect that. But me, I just can't. This whole post was inspired by a book I am reading where the women are all re-reading Jane Austen, and I was not able to relate. LOVE that you enjoy being with people who are going through somehting the first time. That's cool.


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