Knows It All

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


I just need some quiet time. It's one of those days where I get "97" emails, at least 80 of which need me to respond. The phone rings and rings. I have two lines....still do not know why. While they ring, the red light blinks telling me I have messages. There is a stack of "hot" items in my in-box, and there is a constant stream of underlings standing in my doorway with files in their hands, quizzical looks on their faces, waiting for me to "yay or nay" them. Boss calls me to mandatory meeting where we watch a film with a bunch of other super-busy people for a morale-boost! What a joke, this only inspired panic and the tendency to run over lists in my head. Calgon, take me away!

Oh yea, I don't have tub. And somehow a stand-up shower with low water pressure is not what will do the trick. Kind of thinking beer or wine is a bad crutch. It's 111 degrees today, so a nice walk is not a possibility. So I will settle for a nice quiet all me time.

I have just spent three days glued at the hip to fiance. Whoa. I mean, he's great and my favorite person and all... but I need some me time. To read my girl books, to watch crap tv with no shame... to eat ice cream out of the container or just to chat on the phone. Maybe float in the pool with some grapes on my floating hammock. Blog. But when we have these days off together he wants us to hang out and be together. But not EVERYTHING we like is mutual. I saw BATMAN. While it's not the worst movie, I wanted to see Mad Hot Ballroom. He ate at the french cafe I like, but he threw a semi-tantrum when they forgot his iced tea. He so doesn't always know how to just chill. And all I want to do is chill. Just hang. He's always got an agenda. With no plan, he stresses. Whereas, me, I'm good with doing a whole lotta nothing for a couple of days.

In the end, we ate well, went to wine bar, went to a bar-b-q, shopped and bought great stuff, got a lot of chores done. Laughed, dork danced around... but I need some pure VEG time now. Is that so wrong?

GOd, I'd kill for a bath tub!

So tonight, he's at the gym, and I have 2 hours of chic music on Itunes, and lounging around.. blogging, reading blogs. Relaxing. Maybe watch some crap tv. Or plug in "Love Actually". Lay on my couch and just lay. No thoughts.

At least younger brother-in-law-to-be is not here. So it's me.. and the couch. Sweet. Cherry Truffle Fudge Haagen Daas, Light.

Ya Feel meh?


  • At 7:06 AM, Blogger Knows It All said…

    Agreed. However, I have no desire to be that comfortable. It seems to hamper the whole sex-appeal thing.

    I don't think he'd leave me or anything, I just don't see how that makes him attracted to me. :)

    natural or not, it can be done in private.

  • At 9:27 AM, Blogger McRebeck said…

    Ok so I was always embarrassed to say when D and I have days off together I am also attached to hip. Mostly because he doesn't come home from work at night so this is my only time with him. But like you I want VEG time, I want to watch REAL WORLD!! and Desperate housewives! I love his career but I dont want to WATCH PLANES ON TV!!!

    Rock on sheri, get your veg on tonight!! go to a hotel for a few hours and SOAK in a bad ass garden style tub!! LOL

  • At 11:32 AM, Blogger Rocky said…

    I am so feeling you right now! It has been hectic as of late and I am missing my blog and all the other ones I love to read, too. Hubby will be out of town this weekend, so I will have my down time. So looking forward to catching up with myself and all that is "female"!

  • At 8:15 AM, Blogger LSL said…

    Amen sister.


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