Knows It All

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Non-sensical random thoughts

Sometimes I feel old, or afraid to get old. I can feel my breasts descending as I write this. But then, something will happen to remind me that I'm so young and have so much life ahead of me. Take today's lunch for example. Me and C were at my fave hummus haven, when the table next to us (all ladies in their 70s I'd guess) interrupted us. They were gabbing and chatting and sharing lipstick colors apparently when they they needed assistance. They couldn't read the make and model of the one they liked so much. OK, so they didn't ask me for help...they asked C, but I'm affiliating with her even though she's a couple of years younger...but whatever. Oh, and, the fact that I'm undoubtedly more blind than all of them...but the point of this little story is that they saw us as young. And they represent how much fun life is even down the road. I better be having some lunch with my girls decades from now, giggling and telling each other what's what.

Sometimes I feel bored, or what I think may actually be sad. I spend way too much time staring into space. But then I think that maybe what I am really experiencing is just the coming-down effects of all that caffeine I consume. I wish I was kidding. Someone wrote recently that only boring people get bored and that completely freaked me out. Holy Crap! Is that it? Am I just boring? Took me a whole 20 minutes to sort myself out on that. Duh. I'm so not boring. Crazy people are never boring.

Sometimes I feel like "woe-is-me" with my complicated and underappreciated job. Then I realize that I get paid more than enough to keep my stomach fed, my nails painted, and then some. I barely have a boss, I work in the field I know my heart wants me too, and I can make it what I want. I just have to choose how I view it. Right? Not to mention the bazillion other ways in which I am such a lucky human being. And then there is that man who makes me safe and SO happy. His name is El G. And he is the greatest thing ever...but he gets embarrassed at how much I talk about all the awesome things he does for me... so I won't. But sometimes, I just overflow with hearts for him. X's and O's all over the place.

Sometimes I feel grateful. But I should be more grateful more often. I have more than I deserve. Sigh.


  • At 10:10 PM, Blogger Little Star said…

    Boy does that back and forth sound familiar... it's like you read my mind!!!
    My gramps always said that... Only boring people get bored... I hated it... But I like where you went with it!!! Can anyone be any less boring? I don't think sooo...

    I think happiness is all about mindset. Sure there are exceptions to that... some things will just bring you down, and somethings will naturally bring you up...
    But if you're continually focused on what you don't have and haven't done, no shit it will depress you... Common sense will tell you that.
    That's why we have the cliche' addage, count your blessings....
    But dang if it aint true...
    It helps put things in perspective, especially if you think globally.
    I call it, just keeping it real!!!
    Like when i go visit my mom!!!
    And then i realize...
    I drive a mazda and i'm ok with that. My dishes come from bed bath and beyond, and i'm ok with that...
    I buy a lot of my clothese out of season because it's cheaper ( i can't help it.. i love sales!!!) and i'm ok with that...

    It's when i read posts like this, that i realize how very the same people are in so many ways...

  • At 12:09 AM, Blogger McRebeck said…

    Kinda sounds like we are all feeling a bit humble these days!!

    Like you said.. life is what we make of it...

    I look forward to my next layover there in PHX, hopefully we can grab a beer or 4 again.

  • At 6:08 AM, Blogger LSL said…

    I really appreciated this post (and my breasts were descending as I read it.) I don't know the answers, but I think you got the questions right. They sound very familiar!

  • At 8:11 AM, Blogger Knows It All said…

    Lu-- I hope you don't need this post to realize how similar we are. (not that you are quite the heathen I am...but you know what I mean.)
    beck-- for sure girl. Let me know when you're here.
    and Kimberly-- can't you just feel them? UGH!!!

  • At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Este Lauder, color: Tiger Eye. Those ladies were so cute. I just know we'll still be shoveling hummus in our faces and gabbing about lipstick when we're 70!


  • At 12:20 PM, Blogger Flipsycab said…

    You have everything you deserve and you deserve all the best the Universe has to offer.

    And puh-fuckin-lease! You are SO not boring!


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