Knows It All

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I wish I didn't have to honor this promise!

My god! THE FUNNIEST thing in the f'ing world happened today. I witnessed it and lost my shit. Crying. I can't even think about it without cracking up. But the person who it happened to is horrified. HORRIFIED. Made me swear up and down not to tell. On my life. On everything. So, all I can do is tell you that something happened that will make me smile for a year! I wish there were another witness. If ever I make a movie, this is going to be in it. Without a doubt.

If you guess, I may wink at ya.


  • At 12:46 AM, Blogger ShooShoo said…

    Aw dang, you can tell me... I don't know her! ;)

    Been a long time since I've managed to visit your blog... How are you doing?? How's your Mom doing???


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